See Also
Our YouTube channel
Our official YouTube channel. If you want to learn more about our games or just have some fun, visit it! Visit
GM Clan
The best Polish site about Game Maker and the headquarters of Polish indie game makers. You can trace our roots down to that site. Visit
YoYo Games
As YoYo Games bought Game Maker some time ago, their site, and not www.gamemaker.nl is listed here. But that's not a bad thing. Now, a larger budget is set for the development of the program and a huge number of interesting games can be found on the site. Visit
Patryslaw's culture blog (PL)
Patryslaw's (a.k.a Patyk) blog. He writes about all that's worth your attention in (pop) culture and what you should steer clear of. You should read an article or two, especially if you're interested in rock music. Visit
Dawidsu Chords
Dawidsu's blog with chords prepared by him. The songs included there cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet (and if they can, they are incorrect). Grab your guitar and enter! Visit
Indie DB
The independent game makers of the world, come together! This website unites the indie developers and promotes their creations. We encourage you to visit it. Visit