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  Bomber Dual 2  
  Beaver Builder
Great Battles: Somme
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Johny Boobr Adventures


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Johny Boobr Adventures


A well-known intergalactic adventurer and spy Johny Boobr (yes, with a single "n", don't pick on us) is given a mission from the headquarters. He's to dispose of the evil Doctor Semafor, and push his way through squadrons of malevolent monsters.

This is one of our oldest games, a kind of relic from the distant past. You can unfortunately see it by, say, graphics. As long as monsters and levels are OK, the protagonist looks and moves around... quirkily. But what can you do, that's how we started.

But these are beginnings we oughtn't to be ashamed of. The graphics may have not stood the test of time, but the satisfaction from the gameplay has remained. This mix of platform, maze and shooter games can still supply you with loads of fun, and the completion of the whole can be a challenge.

We encourage you to download this game. We've translated the opening and closing comic strips, but the level names and short messages during the game remained in Polish. However, they don't convey anything much important. You can go on very well without them. Treat the game as a journey into the past of computer history and you can greatly enjoy it. Oh, and by the way: try to find the hidden level.

It's fab!
So far 426 people think it's fab.

Full game, (almost) in English, 1.1 MB (XP).

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