Table of contents
1. Minimum program requirements.
2. Files in the package.
3. Installation.
4. Description of the program.
  4.1. Entering data.
    4.1.1. Basic data.
    4.1.2. Functions.
          List of accessible operations and basic functions.
    4.1.3. Point coordinates.
    4.1.4. Point uncertainties.
    4.1.5. Subordination of points to each curve.
    4.1.6. Initial values of unknown parameters.
  4.2. Main and additional program results.
    4.2.1. Parameters of given functions, together with uncertainties.
    4.2.2. Matrix of parameter covariances.
    4.2.3. Coordinates of 'adjusted' points, together with uncertainties.
    4.2.4. Matrix of 'adjusted' point covariances.
    4.2.5. Graph x2=f(x1), in two-dimensional case only.
    4.2.6. General information on approximation.
    4.2.7. Scaling uncertainties.
  4.3. More details on the method of calculation.
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1. Minimum program requirements.
In Windows 95/98/2000/XP use LSM23.EXE

2. Files in the package.
readme.txt - description of the package,
lsm.ico - file with the icon for the main program,
LSM23-s.exe - the main program, single precision version
LSM23-r.exe - the main program, real precision version
LSM23-d.exe - the main program, double precision version (less maximum number of points)
LSM23-demo.exe - the main program, demo and real precision version
rtm.exe - auxiliary programs and modules

ELLIPSE.50 - directories with demo data,

3. Installation.
It is necessary to copy the contents of the package to a directory (named LSM for example).
The program doesn't even touch Windows registers.

4. Description of the program.
LSM program carries computation with the Least Squares Method (nonlinear regression), i.e. fits parameters of given in analytic way function(s) to given points.
Such approximation may be done :
- in many dimensions,
- with input uncertainties on each axis,
- using input covariances or correlation coefficients, if needed,
- with curves that are or are not functions of any variable x,y,z,... (e.g. an ellipse) or implicit functions
- using many approximated curves simultaneously; curves may be stuck with some their parameters as well as with some points.

Each curve must have the form of an expression obtained by transferring all terms into one side of an equation.
Every parameter must be denoted by a1,a2,a3,...,
and every point coordinate - by x1,x2,x3,... (instead of x,y,z,...).

In current approximation there is a possibility of omitting some points or some curves (if there are many).

In case of using the input covariance matrix, calculation time is approximately proportional to the third power of the product of point number and dimension number.
Calculation time is significantly longer due to the method nonlinearity caused by the assumption of input errors for all quantities measured.

There are four ways of supporting each kind of data:
a. using a keyboard,
b. using previously entered data, if an approximation
    with the same fundamental data has been used recently,
c. using data contained in a text file in a user subdirectory;
    each such a file must have a standard name (given in sections below);
    the program also makes possible saving automatically output data in this subdirectory;
    user subdirectory once selected is not allowed to be changed when running one set of base data,
d. using data contained in any text file.
    Data in a text file must be separated with spaces, tabs or end-of-file signs.

4.1. Input data (in spreadsheet format if in a file) are submitted to the following scheme:
  4.1.1. Basic data - in the following order:
   a. number of point dimensions (max. 3275)
   b. number of points
   (max. 8190 - LSM24-s version),
   (max. 5460 - LSM24-r version),
   (max. 4095 - LSM24-d version),

   c. number of functions (curves) that connect point coordinates (max. 20),
   d. number of parameters in all functions (max. 3275).

Additionally, the following condition must be fulfilled:
a product of point number and dimension number must be less then
   16384 - LSM24-s version,
   10922 - LSM24-r version,
     8192 - LSM24-d version.

The name of suitable data file in user subdirectory: basedata.dat .

 4.1.2. Entering analytical form of functions.

Every parameter must be denoted by a1,a2,a3,...,
and every point coordinate - by x1,x2,x3,... (instead of x,y,z,...).

Each function must have the form of an expression obtained by transferring all terms to one side of equation.
Therefore, express your fitting function  x3=f(x1,x2)  in the implicit form  F(x1,x2,x3)=0
without including the "=0" part. Here is an example:
replacing   z = a1*x^2 + a2*y + a3   with   x3= a1*x1^2 + a2*x2 +a3
and writing it in the form  F(x1,x2,x3)=0, without the "=0" part, this becomes:
a1*x1^2 + a2*x2 + a3 - x3

This form enables applying complicated curves that are not functions, applying curves given by an equation from which no variable can be derived or changing the form of equation to be always computable. The last case may be useful when some point coordinate or a parameter value changed during computation  go beyond domain boundary.

Every function must be continuous in the calculating interval, considering point coordinates as well as parameters.
Additionally, every function must be approximately linear in the surroundings of every point (plus minus error) and in the surroundings of every parameter.

Every function (curve) may share some its parameters (as well as some its points) with other function.

The funtions and their derivatives are calculated in extended precision (19 significant digits) but the data are stored in real precision (single, real or double, depending on the version) in order to save memory.

The names of the suitable data files in a user subdirectory: function.1 , function.2 , ... .

List of accessible operations and basic functions:

+,-,*,/ - basic operations;
x^y - raising x to a power y;
pi - the value pi=3.141592653589793238;
sqr(x) - second power of x;
sqrt(x) - square root of x;
exp(x) - exponential function;
ln(x) - natural logarithm;
cos(x) - cosine function (radian);
sin(x) - sine function (radian);
tan(x) - tangent function (radian);
ctan(x) - cotangent function (radian);
arctan(x)- arc tangent (radian);
cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine;
sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine;
tanh(x) - hyperbolic tangent;
abs(x) - absolute value;
sgn(x) - sign function (signum);
H(x) - unitary jump (Heaviside function); H(x)=1 when x>=0, otherwise H(x)=0;
random - random value from the interval [0,1) ;
rand(n) - random value from the interval [0,n) ; n is integer ;
besj0(x) - Bessel function of first kind, 0-th order;
besj1(x) - Bessel function of first kind, 1-st order;
besj(n,x)- Bessel function of first kind, integer order;
besy0(x) - Bessel function of second kind, 0-th order; x>0, (Weber f.);
besy1(x) - Bessel function of second kind, 1-st order; x>0, (Weber f.);
besy(n,x)- Bessel function of second kind, integer order; x>0, (Weber f.);
besi0(x) - modified Bessel function of first kind, 0-th order; { besi0(x)=besj0(ix) };
besi1(x) - modified Bessel function of first kind, 1-st order; { besi1(x)=-i*besj1(ix) };
besi(n,x)- modified Bessel function of first kind, integer order; { besi(n,x)=(i^n)*besj(n,ix) };
besk0(x) - modified Bessel function of second kind, 0-th order; x>0, (MacDonald f.);
besk1(x) - modified Bessel function of second kind, 1-st order; x>0, (MacDonald f.);
besk(n,x)- modified Bessel function of second kind, integer order; x>0, (MacDonald f.);
gamln(x) - logarithm of gamma function; x>0 or x<0 and x belongs to (-2*k,-2*k+1), k is integer;
gamm(x) - gamma function; x>0 ;
gamma(x) - gamma function; x different from -k , k is integer;
gammp(a,x)-gamma function, incomplete; a>0 , x>=0;
bet(x,y) - beta function; x>0 , y>0 ;
beta(x,y)- beta function; x,y,(x+y) different from -k, k is integer ;
beti(a,b,x) -beta function, incomplete; a>0, b>0, x>=0, x<=1 ;
erf(x) - error function;
lgndr(n,x) -Legendre polynomials; n is integer, |x|<=1 ;
plgndr(n,m,x) -Legendre polynomials, associated (spherical harmonics);
n,m are integer, |x|<=1, m>=0, m<=n ;

 4.1.3. Entering values of point coordinates.
Values of coordinates, when using a text file, should be separated with a space, tab or with an end of line and located in the following succession (in 3D case):
x1 x2 x3 ... (point No 1)
x1 x2 x3 ... (point No 2) etc.
... ...  ... ...
Each value should have a real form with maximum 7 (single precision), 11 (real precision) or 15 (double precision) significant digits. In order to denote a power of ten one should use the letter E or e, e.g. 1.2E-6 .
Each positive value must be greater than 2.9E-39 and less than 1.7E38 (5.0E-324 and 1.7E308, respectively for double precision).

The name of the suitable data file in a user subdirectory: points.dat .

 4.1.4. Entering point uncertainties.
The program method is assumed that uncertainties are submitted to the Gauss normal distribution. Data form should be the same as in Section 4.1.3.
Uncertainties may be entered in two ways:

1. Standard deviations for each point (and for each coordinate).
When using a keyboard, the whole process may be shortened if deviations are the same for a given dimension of every point.
Since the square deviations are calculated, the acceptable range of deviations amounts to from 1.E-19 to 1.E19 (1.E-162 and 1.E154, respectively for double precision).
Entering succession is the same as in Section 4.1.3.
The name of the suitable data file in a user subdirectory: errors.dat .

Correlation coefficients for different dimensions of every point may be added.
They can be used when errors of different dimensions of every point are correlated.
Entering succession for every point in four-dimensional case is as follows:
r12, r13, r14, r23, r24, r34.
The name of the suitable data file in a user subdirectory: correls.dat .

2. Covariance matrix of points (from a text file only).
It may be used especially when errors of different points are correlated.

Its size figures to n*n, where n is a product of number of points and number of dimensions.
Its main diagonal consists of standard square deviations.

The name of the suitable data file in a user subdirectory: covars.dat .

 4.1.5. Entering subordination of points to each curve.
There is no need to do it, if there is only one function (curve) in the program.
Data, when a text file is used, have the following form:
numbers of points are located in the line suitable for the given function; succession of function lines is identical with that when entering functions, e.g. (if 3 functions are used):

1-10 20 21 22
5 7-12

In current approximation there is a possibility of omitting some points,
subordinating one point to several functions (curves) as well as
taking no account of some curves by an insertion the 0 sign into the suitable line.

The name of the suitable data file in a user subdirectory: whichpnt.dat .

 4.1.6. Entering initial values of unknown parameters.
The method used in the program requires initial values of unknown parameters to start its iteration. If the function assumed considerably differs from the linear function, the iteration will be convergent only when the initial values are a good approximation of the true ones.
Entering succession should correspond with increasing parameter numbers.

The name of the suitable data file in a user subdirectory: params.dat .

4.2. Data calculated are led out according to the following scheme:
  4.2.1. Values of function parameters found, together with their uncertainties
           (both to screen and to aprxpars.dat file).
  4.2.2. Matrix of parameter covariances ( if needed, but to the text file parcovar.dat only).
  4.2.3. Coordinates of 'adjusted' points located on a found curve, together with their uncertainties
           (both to screen and to aprxpnts.dat file).
  4.2.4. Matrix of 'adjusted' point covariances ( if needed, but to the text file pntcovar.dat only).
  4.2.5. Graph x2=f(x1) , in two-dimensional case only.

There is a possibility to plot either error rectangles or error ellipses on the graph of curve(s) found.
Each curve may be regarded either as a function of one of variables (x1 or x2) or as an implicit function. In the last case the graph may be not satisfactory and then an improvement may occur after having extended the range of the curve.
The possibility of selecting the range of every curve is also to prevent an error resulting from exceeding the function domain.
To save the graph in bitmap file (bmp) press Ctrl-S

  4.2.6. General information on approximation.
   a. Chi2 value (that follows chi2 distribution);
       this value should equal (with after mentioned tolerance) the number of freedom degrees (see below).
Too large chi2 value may result from inappropriate choice of analytical function form or from assuming point uncertainties to be too small. And vice versa: too low chi2 value may testify to granting parameter number to be too large or to assuming point uncertainties to be too large.
   b. Number of freedom degrees ;
       this number equals the point number decreased by the number
       of parameters searched. The number of freedom degrees is also equal
       to an expected value of chi2 distribution of the chi2 value.
   c. Standard deviation of distribution of chi2 value.
   d. Probability that ,theoretically, chi2 value would be greater (smaller)
       than the value found from the approximation.
   e. Same-Side-Correlation Coefficient (SSCC) together with its standard deviation. When the measuring points are located randomly on both sides of the fitted curve (surface, hyper-surface), SSCC takes on a value that is close to zero. When the points are grouped in big clusters each located on one side of the curve, SSCC considerably differs from zero, i.e. is greater then its double standard deviation, or even approaches the unit, thus indicating that the curve is selected incorrectly (maybe more parameters are needed) or the points are correlated (maybe the points in one cluster come from a biased meter). When SSCC is negative and considerably differs from zero or even approaches minus one, it is statistically hardly probable (maybe the points have been created with "human hands").
   f. Numbers of points for which the difference between any appropriate coordinate of measuring point and coordinate of adjusted point is greater then the triple adequate measuring uncertainty.

  4.2.7. Scaling uncertainties.
   If you are sure of your fitting curve and the reciprocals of uncertainties for all points and dimensions, instead of the uncertainties themselves, you can multiply (the Opt menu item) all input (point) and output (parameter) uncertainties by the square root of the ratio of the output chi2 parameter to the number of freedom degrees. Thus you can obtain the best estimates of uncertainties in this case of incomplete information on input uncertainties.

4.3. Description of the calculation method.
The method consists in minimization of a quantity M  equal

                                   M = dT*Gy*d

where the sign T denotes transposition, d is the coordinate difference vector  that is equal in two-dimensional case
            [ (X1-Xo1) , (Y1-Yo1) , (X2-Xo2) , (Y2-Yo2) , ... ] ,

where Xoi,Yoi are the coordinates of i-th measuring point
and Xi,Yi are the coordinates of i-th 'adjusted' point located on the curve found;
Gy is the inverted covariance matrix (see Section 4.1.4).

In two-dimensional case with zero-covariances (i.e. errors only) the quantity M is equal

  \           (Xi-Xoi)2     (Yi-Yoi)2
  /           ----------   +   ----------
/_____   (Sxi)2          (Syi)2

where Sxi,Syi are the appropriate standard deviations of i-th point.

Chi2 value (see Section 4.2.6) is equal (in two-dimensional case with zero-covariances)

  \            [ -F'(Xi)*(Xi-Xoi) + (Yi-Yoi) ]2
  /            --------------------------------------
/_____      [F'(Xi)]2*(Sxi)2 + (Syi)2

where F'(Xi) denotes the partial derivative of the approximating function with respect to x, calculated in i-th point; the remaining designations are as above.

An iteration is interrupted when the difference between two values M from succeeding iteration steps is lower then 0.1*sqrt(M) and when each difference between two values of each parameter taken from succeeding iterations is less then adequate parameter standard deviation decreased 10 times.

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